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Self-help groups
Page overview:
Self-help groups (self-help support group) are self-organized groups of people who have the same problem or concern and want to deal with it together. The main purpose in the case of histaminosis or MCAD is usually the exchange of information and experience between those affected. The mutual exchange of tips and tricks offers practical help in dealing with the disease. A positive side effect is the mutual emotional support and motivation. Self-help groups are run on a voluntary basis. Participation should be free of charge, except for a possible contribution towards expenses.
Self-help support groups for mast cell activation disorders, histaminosis, histamine intolerance
Since in mast cell activation or histaminosis a reliable diagnosis of the exact cause is usually not possible and the various postulated forms are very similar, moste self-help groups are mixed groups. They don't differentiate between mast cell activation diseases (mastocytosis, mast cell activation syndrome), enzymatic degradation disorders (DAO deficiency, HNMT defect) and other forms of histaminosis.
Switch language to display groups
Planned meetings of the German- or French-speaking groups can be found at the corresponding pages in German (DE) or French (FR) respectively. At the top of this page, you can switch the language to DE or FR to display them.
Self-help centres, self-help contact points & umbrella organisations
The following institutions keep directories of self-help groups on all possible problems and illnesses and are there to help you make contact with an existing group or set up your own self-help group.
Switzerland Selbsthilfe Schweiz, Dachorganisation der regionalen Kontaktstellen fuer Selbsthilfegruppen
Germany Nationale Kontakt- und Informationsstelle zur Anregung und Unterstuetzung von Selbsthilfegruppen (NAKOS)
Austria NANES - Nationales Netzwerk Selbsthilfe Medizinisches Selbsthilfezentrum Wien Selbsthilfe-Unterstuetzungsstelle SUS Wien Selbsthilfe Oberoesterreich Selbsthilfe Niederoesterreich Selbsthilfe Vorarlberg Selbsthilfe Kaernten Selbsthilfe Tirol Selbsthilfe Salzburg Selbsthilfe Steiermark
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